4 Simple Ways to Sober up From a Bad Marijuana High

Cannabis, being an amazing remedy for various debilitating medical conditions, is making its way to the top of the US health industry rapidly now. Millions of people are successfully enjoying the therapeutic benefits of the herb already. And many more are on the same path, applying for a cannabis card online in Chino Hills so that they could use the herb legally.

However, being a medicinal user myself, I can advocate that the effects of marijuana are not all bright and shiny always. See, cannabis is an intoxicating substance. And while even this property of the herb may help you if within the limit, getting too high can be problematic.

Getting a bad high from cannabis isn’t really difficult, especially if you are a beginner. However, if you somehow end up with it, there are a few things you may do to ease the effects down. Today, we discuss them here.

Hydrate Yourself

One of the biggest symptoms that you get as you consume cannabis is cottonmouth. And trust me, this can be really worse when you have a bad high. The major culprit for this phenomenon is THC, which hampers the working of our salivary glands, causing dehydration.

Now, to better things up here, the one thing you can do is hydrate yourself. While you may avoid getting a bad high in the first place if you keep on sipping some water when consuming cannabis, hydrating yourself can help you even if you’ve fallen into the trap.

Water is perhaps your best bet here. But you may also go for some juices or any other non-alcoholic/non-caffeinated drink.

Take a Shower

A bad high from cannabis can make you very restless and anxious. So to balance this, you may take a nice hot shower. A shower or bath can induce the feeling of calmness, and thus, help you relax. A hot bath will also promote blood flow in your body. And this may help you get your alertness back.

Now, there is always a chance you are enjoying cannabis out somewhere- maybe at a party or a friend’s house. In that case, you perhaps won’t have the option to take a shower. Here, you can splash some water on your face and see if it works or not. In most cases, even this can help you restore your senses.

Walk For Some Time

Cannabis may make it difficult for you to shut your brain sometimes. In that case, some fresh air and a change of scenery may come to your rescue. This may help you get your blood pumping and get you back to your senses. But hey, don’t you go wandering somewhere far, as it may get you even more paranoid. Or it may even result in an accident, which you surely don’t want.

Pass it in Sleep

Nothing working? If you have a place, you should just sleep and let your high pass. In fact, it is perhaps one of the most effective and convenient ways to sober up from your marijuana high. Now, if possible, you should get a full night’s sleep. But there may be situations where this isn’t an option. In that case, even a quick 30 minutes nap may work just fine. This will allow your body to rest and recover. Furthermore, if an overnight nap is possible, you can give your liver enough time to metabolize the cannabis without experiencing the bad part of the process.


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