
Showing posts from May, 2020

Aspirin or Marijuana- What Will You Choose For Relieving Your Pain?

The need for a pain-reliever is pretty standard. You bump your knee, you ask for a pain reliever. You have a headache. You look for a pain reliever. You often look for OTC prescriptions to take care of your pains, mostly. Be it Tylenol, or NSAIDs like Naproxen, or Aspirin. But no matter what you choose, the cycle keeps on circling like that. And more than 25% of the patients who rely either on prescription drugs or OTCs end up misusing them. Hence, making it a priority to look for alternatives that provide you relief without causing fuss either.  Wouldn't that be a great thing? I am sure it would be. Especially when you already have nature's best treatments available. Yes, we are talking about marijuana. It is an excellent pain-reliever with incredible anti-inflammatory properties. Let's understand why you should switch to an MMJ card in Chino Hills for effective pain management. Cannabis For Pain Management Cannabis contains more than 100 cannabino