Aspirin or Marijuana- What Will You Choose For Relieving Your Pain?

The need for a pain-reliever is pretty standard. You bump your knee, you ask for a pain reliever. You have a headache. You look for a pain reliever. You often look for OTC prescriptions to take care of your pains, mostly. Be it Tylenol, or NSAIDs like Naproxen, or Aspirin. But no matter what you choose, the cycle keeps on circling like that. And more than 25% of the patients who rely either on prescription drugs or OTCs end up misusing them. Hence, making it a priority to look for alternatives that provide you relief without causing fuss either. 

Wouldn't that be a great thing? I am sure it would be. Especially when you already have nature's best treatments available. Yes, we are talking about marijuana. It is an excellent pain-reliever with incredible anti-inflammatory properties. Let's understand why you should switch to an MMJ card in Chino Hills for effective pain management.

Cannabis For Pain Management

Cannabis contains more than 100 cannabinoids. However, CBD and THC get the maximum limelight. It's because scientists have been able to work on these two cannabinoids. They are commercially available. Manufacturers have done their part to extract these components of the herb quite easily. And they have even scaled their processes. 

Of course, you can use them to manage your painful symptoms. But you will be surprised to know that cannabis has more than just cannabinoids that can cater to your demands. Yes, you heard it right. We are talking about flavonoids. Studies suggest that they have antioxidant, anti-cancerous, and neuroprotective supplements. They act like superfoods. 

So, how does it help? Let's find out.

Flavins- The Potent Painkillers of Medical Marijuana

 Needless to say that THC and CBD are the king and queen of marijuana. But, flavonoids have their part to play as well. Studies found that cannflavins A and B have thirty times more potency than any common analgesic such as Aspirin. If federal agencies lift the ban on marijuana. 

Research can enter into the next phase, where scientists can confirm and understand the complexities of marijuana and flavonoids when it comes to carrying out pain-relieving action. But, you must have access to the MMJ card Chino Hills

But, the next probable question is, "Are Cannflavins Safer Than Aspirin?" 

Clearly, opioids cause issues like harmful side effects and addictions. If the alternative does not help with that, there is no point shifting from one corner to another. But, unlike what may assume, cannabis is a relatively safer approach when it comes to inducing side effects or addictions. Of course, no one can completely rule out the possibility of any complications. 

Every human is different, and so is their metabolism. So, you must go with "go low and slow" with marijuana to enjoy the therapeutics without compromising your cover, although studies confirm that marijuana is any day a safer option than Aspirin.

Cannabis Strains to Relieve Your Painful Symptoms 

No matter the type of consumption, we will help you find the best strains to manage your condition effectively. Just make sure you talk to a medical marijuana expert when applying for an MMJ Card in Chino Hills to find what will suit your health the best. 

For instance, you can go for an ACDC strain that contains higher THC or CBD levels. It will boost your immunity while helping you to manage painful conditions. Other than that, you can opt for Afgan Kush that will produce the desirable effects instantly. So, you can use it for your cancer-related pain. Also, Blue Dream, which is a Sativa dominant strain, will provide relaxation and pain-relieving effects.

Final Thoughts 

There is a lot of hype going around marijuana because of its status amid the COVID thing. So, you can quickly get your medication even when other non-essential services are not working. Just make sure you have an MMJ card in Chino Hills to access cannabis online or through a curbside pickup. That way, you can take care of your pain symptoms while maintaining social distancing.


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